Hi, i’m O. Ousseini!

Webdesign Freelancer →

Your digital presence – professional, individual and search engine optimized

With an expert touch and a focus on sustainability, we create websites that are not only beautiful to look at, but also provide an unforgettable experience on every device. Let’s create a website that is responsive, easy to use, and beautiful. Let’s Welcome your digital future.

About Me

I’m Professional Website Designer Since 2018

After more than 10 years in full-stack software development, my passion for design caught up with me and took over. I have now been successfully developing websites for businesses and individuals for 6 years.

Projekt anfragen

59 +

Trusted Clients

169 +

Project Complete

99 +

Best Awards

My Experience

Skill & Experience











In order to successfully implement your projects and ideas, I always work with the latest technical standards. I accompany you from the first conversation to completion and beyond, because personal customer loyalty is my top priority.

Behance Inc.

Web Designer
(2008 – 2012)

Google Inc.

UI/UX Designer
(2018 – Now


Web Designer
(2012 – 2016)

Xing Ling Inc.

Web Designer
(2016 – 2018)

My Services

Providing The Best Services

My clientele ranges from small and medium-sized companies to advertising and graphics agencies. My daily work includes consulting, support, graphic & web design, web development and search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing.

Would you like a non-binding and free offer? I look forward to your inquiry in order to realize your project together.

Graphic Design

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Website Design

I develop individual website designs for companies and bring your online presence up to date. Depending on the project and scope, I work with a team of experts.

Digital Marketing

Increase your conversions, generate more traffic and expand your online visibility. I support you in implementing your brands with a professional corporate design.

My Work Process

Wie läuft ein Projekt ab?

In the free initial consultation we will discuss your ideas and wishes together. We clarify possible procedures and questions on the basis of an offer. Based on the data and facts from the initial consultation, you will receive a detailed cost estimation within a few days for review and, please, approval of costs. After approval, implementation begins. To do this, we need any content from you in advance (images, texts, videos, access data). After joint coordination rounds and correction phases, the idea materializes into a visible and understandable product. After extensive testing, your new website or landing page goes live.

01. Kostenfreies Erstgespräch

Persönlich, via Zoom, Telefon

02. Angebot

Innerhalb weniger Tage zur Prüfung und bitte zur Kostenfreigabe.

03. Entwicklung

Nach Freigabe geht’s an die Umsetzung.

04. Go Live

Wünsche und Ideen haben sich zum sichtbaren und begreifbaren Produkt konkretisiert.

Latest Projects

My Recent Projects

I have been successfully implementing websites and design works for companies from a wide range of industries. Here you will find selected projects of implemented works.

Startup Company

UI / UX Design

Creative Agency

UI / UX Design

Finance Company

Web Design

Have a Project On Your Mind? Let’s Work Together

Contact me today for a free consultation. Tell me about your situation and i’ll provide you with candid recommendations for online marketing services.

Trusted by 50+ Companies